here comes the summer

然後我的腦中出現的是Condo Fucks的What'cha Gonna Do About it
不知所措沒有方向感的隨著轟隆隆且黏糊不已的聲線 直盯著眼前的圓孔發呆
彎身顯的有點流里流氣 挺直腰桿試著裝做若無其事
然而那堵塞住的排水管噗嚕噗嚕像海水倒灌一樣 沒有空隙呼吸

can't breathe at all.

那個神秘的鏡像扭曲了 像是小時候永遠畫不直那跳房子的格線
清清楚楚仔仔細細又白白亮亮的粉筆灰 在陽光下倒頭融化

那時候沒有搞懂  原來夏天來了

[July 2007 / Neaba, Yuzawa, Japan / Lomo LCA]


↑ [Aug 2007 / Chiba, Japan / fisheye2]
[Aug 2007 / Kamakura, Japan / fisheye2]




Condo Fucks - What'cha Gonna Do About It


shereen said…
yes, summer is coming! and i can't wait for the once a year summer meet up :)
jersey girl, i wish you know how much i enjoy reading your writing. and i wish you write more often than now. may be i should start praying for my wish to come true.
Jersey Yen said…
shereen /

yea, at least we can see each other once a year. thanks music industry in jpn!
awww! you surprised me! i've never expected that someone enjoys reading my writing. it's such a big compliment! thanks my girl, you always treat me good.
it's soooo hot today, i'm almost melting... :( i'm lookin' forward rainy day comes again.
kimie said…
ohhh~~i love all shots, what fun photos of JPN! i can feel the happy summer air!

can't wait for this year summer coming , can't wait for your visit! let's go for a shooting together!

(btw, i e-mailed you last night~! there are lots of wonderful events, we're busy but happy ne~! :p)
Jersey Yen said…
kimie /

haha, thanks for this and the email! i was so happy to hear from you!
i sent u an email this morning, it was so funny that i didn't notice the title, so i was so confused about where to go. everything is clear now. haha... i'll email u soon, i have a lot of things to tell u, especially our kanazawa trip.
we're looking forward to see u guys so much!! can't wait! can't wait!! xx

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