about traveling #1

[Oct 2008, NW95 / Nikon FM2, Nikkor 50mm f1.4 / Agfa Vista 400]

每次出發前 都這麼告訴自己


唉呀 難道我還不瞭解自己的懶惰嘛 (?)
當然 最後的結果通常都是不了了知

一起旅行的 數面之緣的 擦身而過的
某一些難以理解的情況下 很巧合地在輕撫的指縫間清楚的看見
the future / the past / the present 無法逐一統整出完美的順序

[Oct 2008, Saitama, Japan / Nikon FM2, Nikkor 35~70mm f3.5 / Fuji NPS 160]

and then, we're living in a such walking city.
cannot breathe but just don't wanna walk away.

通常在步行的城市待久了 總是想換個城市繼續走路
找不到人同行的時候 自己一個人蹣跚的探險

也不錯 (?)

[Oct 2008, Japan / Nikon FM2, Nikkor 50mm f1.4 & 35~70mm f3.5]

皆は、私たちの心をより新鮮に保つために旅行する必要があります。 (笑)

‧終於去申請了一個留言的小格子 留言給我留言給我 oooh yay! SHOUT!!!


kimie said…
hello my dear Jersey,

ah ah the 2nd shot, it was taken at that cozy japanese tea house, right? i really love the shot, you look so relaxed. ;))) i'm with you, we need travel. to relax, refresh, release ourself and see ourself. ...i'll definitely trip to your city again soon!

kimie :)
Jersey Yen said…
hihi sis,

yeah, that was taking in the cozy cafe in saitama. I'm wearing the glasses which bought in saitama. it's really a nice one!!
how are you doing lately? I just talked with a friend who loves japan as us. he recommended us to go to sawara, and showed some pics to me. I think maybe we can go there together with those kamakura gang. that'll be super super fun!!! :))

miss ya*
Unknown said…
科科科科 阿福我都不知道你有用blogger XD
Jersey Yen said…
阿哈 我用很久囉
你這夜貓子還不睡 :p

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