

這是個緊湊又多事之月。 某道門好不容易關上了,卻又因為一條小小的隙縫而飛進了蚊蠅。 自己的事、貓咪的事、好友的事、隨波逐流的事,都成了要緊的事。

sometimes physical pain doesn't become a real issue, but psychic one does.

無法在空白處寫上到此一遊就可以解決眼前的問題。 我和那一個紅色的月份似乎脫離了一點關係,終於在最後一圈的轉彎道上狠狠地將它甩在後面。 在下一個藍色紀念日依舊糾纏不清的情況下,我在老家的隔壁村的家庭式咖啡店和藍色談判。 它對我很不以為然。

這一些虛幻的心情描述總是無法以白話的口吻加以闡述,因為它已經超越「我今天去了哪裡玩,那個地方很棒」或是「這個冰淇淋的味道化在口中真是太美妙了」這種生活的說法。 如果可以這麼簡單的將它拋出,那總結應該是「這一切鳥事大概只是人生中的冰山一角」。

對啊。 這一切鳥事無法用percentage計算,因為不知道接下來的人生中還會遭遇到多少鳥事。 非常合理。




Inoka said…
Kelvin said…
好喜歡你的文字和相片~ :)
Jersey Yen said…
@ Inoka
謝謝! 我也喜歡妳的! 但是妳都不寫!! :p

@ iamwen
我沒有你的blog耶 現在馬上加入!! :D
shereen said…
sis, i hope one day you will publish a book, i know i have said this too many times, but i mean it every single time. i love your writing so much i want a printed copy i can hold in my hand.

i find writing very intimating. i see that a lot in yours, and i truly love it.

separate note, i'm thinking the next time you & k & c are in tokyo (jul/aug), perhaps we can have a home party at my place one afternoon/evening. it should be fun having everyone together for some cooking.

Jersey Yen said…
awwwww thanks sis!! you're so kind. i'd like to publish a photo book but don't have time to do it now. if so i'll definitely send you a copy. :)

you should start writing my dear, it takes time to think about what to say but it's really interesting.

yay! we'd like to have a home party with you guys! it's gonna be soooooo much fun and seems that we have some nice chefs. hehe can't wait for big dinner!!! <3
Alexander said…
love reading ur blog! btw can u send me a copy as well haha ;-)
Inoka said…
Jersey Yen said…
@ Alexander
thanks for visiting! i will if it does come true. :D

@ Inoka
haha that's not an excuse. :p

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